Art featured is drawn by Lucky, historical facts by Edessa.

General Overview

The waters of Willanova are most populated by the low-tides of Mangrove Willows. They’re the most adapt to any above-ground and underwater Willow development by a mile and have some of the most creative set-ups out of any other Willow out there! Since Sweetbay's shallower-end is full of thickset mangrove vines, Mangroves have taken up creating both above-ground and under-water housing.


Diet and Anatomy


  • Typically Pescatarians
      • Mostly fish, but also forage for other things!
  • Hunting usually takes place in pacts under water or fished on land!


Mangrove Willows are the only species of Willow to have their own separate form of communication: the croaker. The pouches on their necks can expand and vibrate to create different sounds loud and soft, long or short.

Because of their dwelling underwater, verbal communication was a lot harder to do, thus developing croakers. Eventually however, they evolved to use other, more common Willovian languages but still croak today for fun or to impress a love one!


All Mangroves also feature fins and finned tails, and shiny scales that help them simply glide through the waters of Sweetbay. The only other subspecies that could get close to matching their agile way of swimming is Acacia's, who barely entertain their antics.

  • Mangroves are the only Willows that can naturally have finned tails.

Common Culture/Activities


Mangrove Willows primarily live in the temperate waters of the City of Sweetbay. They have both housing in the roots of the large mangrove trees AND on the land, often hallowing out a few of the dry ones for cozy cabins of their own. It’s commonplace to have both an on land and underwater house here, but some Willows stick to just having those underwater.

However, since the relationship Mangrove Willows and Pinyon Willows have, some more well-known figures have access to a particular gateway into Sulow Sanctum, a more crystalline and reefed area just locked behind whispers and secrets.

Lucky says:

It’s no secret! I’ve been there once or twice! I’m happy to spill the beans for some shells or two…



The Searchers are Lucky’s most prized creation: They’re a small team of Mangrove Willows instructed to preserve the wildlife and purity of the city of Sweetbay, which is quite the royal task. Additionally, they’re also a helpful team when it goes to disappearances and worries from other Willows across the nation. Theres only a selected dozen on Lucky’s searcher team that are active today; they’re selected once every year.

The Arts

Art is very important to most Willows when it comes to trading or self-expression. Mangrove Willows take up glass-arts, sand art, or clay making. When describing their area in art form, Mangrove Willows usually use confident and eye-catching colors that show off their water’s beauty.


Entertainment is some of Mangrove's most important things to develop. As they're mostly cut off from the rest of Willanova physically, they came up with their own sports or games to play around in the water!

Relationship with Other Willows

mangrove_just_married Mangrove Willow’s most positive relationship is with Pinyon and Arroyo Willows. With Lucky and Poppy together, both Mangroves and Pinyons have created an unspoken, but close bond with each other. When it comes to trade relations, they’re usually the first to share resources, as both of their environments offer sparce natural Sulow Grove resources and must be imported.

Arroyo’s, however, have always had a rocky relationship with those on the ground, as they’re the most territorial out of all the subspecies in Willanova. They don’t particulally enjoy sharing their land with Sulow Grove, but when It comes to sticking to the skies of Sweetbay, they’re happy to trade inward and even let each other right in! There have been rumors however that Sweetbay’s Lucky and the Canopies rebound reseller Draven might’ve had some previous relations and haven’t been seen together ever since.

Parcel Express

All Willows get their mail through the Parcel Express, primarily from the Pinyon side of the Faction. Sometimes, some searchers help Pinyons out by delivering all the underwater mail right to their doorsteps when searching is sparce.

Related Events/Trivia

  • The Nation’s flower is the Water Lily.
  • A lot of the digsite's fossils are found here!
  • No major events has happened under the waters of Willanova thus far.